Our Mission:
The Dakota Tree Project’s mission is to plant and maintain trees and community gardens and provide training for conservation in Albuquerque. Focusing on high-heat, low-income neighborhoods, we attempt to combat systemic disparities in the urban tree canopy.
Get Involved
Through volunteering and education, the Dakota Tree Project’s programs reach a variety of people in our community. We would love to have you join us!
Recognizing education as a valuable tool, the Dakota Tree Project aims to teach members of our community, students and adults, about the benefits of trees in sparsely shaded communities and the systemic inequalities that create disparities in the urban canopy.
We fund tree and community garden projects at schools and in disadvantaged neighborhoods to empower and create confortable spaces for youth to enjoy the beauty of nature.
To provide both community building activities and service opportunities, the Dakota Tree Project offers a range of volunteering programs for schools, organizations, and families.
The Dakota Tree Project realizes the importance of remembering those we love. To plant a tree in memoriam of a loved one, visit Tree Dedications.